FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                               June 18, 1998

        Paul Mitchell Applauds House of Representatives
           for Voting to Kill Internal Revenue Code

Austin, Texas.   Paul  Andrew Mitchell, Counselor at Law, Federal
Witness,   and Private  Attorney  General,  applauded  the  close
majority   of U.S. Representatives who voted yesterday to abolish
the Internal   Revenue  Code.   Approved by a vote of 219 to 209,
the House bill calls  for Congress to pass a new tax code by July
4, 2002.

     "The Internal  Revenue Code  is a  monument to  fraud," said
Mitchell.   "There is  not one single facet of this Code which is
not riddled  with deception and extortion."

     Since 1990, Mitchell has been working overtime to expose the
Internal Revenue  Code as the greatest fiscal fraud that has ever
been perpetrated  upon any  people at  any time in the history of
the  world.   His  latest  research,  fully  supported  by  other
investigators   around  the  nation,  proves  that  the  Internal
Revenue Service  is an  extortion racket domiciled in Puerto Rico
under defunct Prohibition  laws.

     Mitchell argues  that the  genealogy of the current IRS must
be traced   back  to the Volstead Act, which outlawed alcohol and
authorized  U.S. federal  police  to  enter  the  several states.
Prohibition permitted  the petroleum   cartel to obtain an unfair
monopoly over  automotive fuels, even as  experts like Henry Ford
were advocating alcohol-based internal  combustion engines.  Once
the monopoly  was in  place, Prohibition  was    lifted,  leaving
alcohol high  and dry  as the  preferred fuel  for autos,   and a
swarm of  federal police  inside the  50 states  of the  Union to
extort money from the American people.

     Mitchell claims  to have  proof that  the  current  Internal
Revenue Service  is actually an alias for Trust #62, domiciled in
Puerto Rico  under color   of  the Federal Alcohol Act, which was
struck down  by the  U.S. Supreme   Court  in the case of U.S. v.
Constantine in  1935.   Last year,  an  undisputed essay entitled
"The Cooper File"  was  added to  the Supreme  Law   Library,  an
Internet-based  archive  of  Mitchell's  litigation  efforts  and
related documents. See URL:


     In the  fall of  1996, Mitchell  even brought  the  case  of
People v. United States,  in  Billings,  Montana,  as part of his
efforts to  counsel the   Montana  Freemen.   During  that  case,
Mitchell filed  a notice  of intent  to  petition a federal court
for leave to institute quo warranto proceedings  against the IRS,
because no  one has  been able to cite any Act of  Congress which
ever created  the Internal  Revenue Service.   "This finding  has
enormous implications,"  warns Mitchell.   "Every single piece of
mail from the IRS is now one count of mail fraud."

     The IRS  is not found anywhere in the organization structure
of the  United States Department of the Treasury, as published in
Title  31 of  the United  States Code ("U.S.C.")   Moreover,  the
Administrative Procedures  Act   requires all federal agencies to
publish their  central and  field  organizations, something which
the IRS has never done.  This omission  was brought to light when
Mitchell  defended  former state  judge Norman L. Vroman  against
federal income tax charges in 1991.

     In 1992,  Mitchell published "The Federal Zone: Cracking the
Code of   Internal  Revenue," which became an instant underground
success  for   its     lucid  language   and  indisputable  legal
authorities.   In it,  Mitchell  proves that the Internal Revenue
Code is  actually a  municipal law  which    is  limited  to  the
District of  Columbia, federal territories, federal  possessions,
and federal  enclaves. The  IRC has no legal jurisdiction  within
any of  the 50  states of  the  Union,  according  to  Mitchell's
voluminous research findings.

     "Most Union  states have executed Agreements on Coordination
of Tax   Administration,  which  authorize  IRS  to  enter  those
states.   However,   these agreements  were  based  on  a  master
template which  flatly lies about  the true identity of the IRS,"
Mitchell warns.

     Mitchell is  well known for having written a petition to the
California Supreme  Court to  compel  Senator  Barbara  Boxer  to
witness the  evidence against  the ratification  of the so-called
16th Amendment.   Boxer  fell  totally  silent  in  the  face  of
Mitchell's comprehensive  pleadings in  People v. Boxer, filed in
the California  Supreme Court in December of  1992.  "The Federal
Zone" was an exhibit in that civil case.

     In 1996,  Mitchell turned  a federal  grand jury case into a
major confrontation  with the  Department of Justice, the federal
judiciary,  and with the  IRS,  by   generating  a  snowstorm  of
documentation which buried the  opposition with irrebutable facts
and laws.   The  pleadings in  that grand    jury  case  are  now
published in the Supreme Law Library on the Internet.

     "The IRC is built upon a foundation of fraud and deception,"
concludes Mitchell.  "The best  possible thing  that  could  ever
happen to  it, is an unmarked grave in the scrap heap of history.
I am  delighted that  the  219 Congressmen now see the writing on
the wall.  That writing is  written with indelible ink."

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